Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Monday, May 26, 2003  

Bridging the Digital Divide
Have you visited http://www.digitaldividend.org, World Resource Institute. I recieve regular updates from this excellent site which shares the best practices used in developing countries to help them bridge the digital divide. One of the contributors to this project is Prof. C K Prahalad of Michigan Business School and his startup Praja Inc ( Now aquired by TIBCO).

By reading the site do you remember the classic and famous "Bottom of the Pyramid" paper by Prof Prahalad and Prof Stuart. I have give a link to one of the papers. A Must read if you havent read this.. ( This paper challenges the world’s wealthiest companies to come up with innovative ways to do capture the low-income markets, which provide a tremendous opportunity. )

From the website
Our History and Mission...

Digital Dividends grew out of the observation of certain "warning signs," signs especially visible among the four billion people—more than half of humanity—who live on less than $1,500 per year. Trends like rapid population growth in the poor regions; a surge in urban migration, bringing with it unprecedented strains on housing, water, and sewer systems; the depletion of biological resources; and persistent, even rising malnutrition in many areas of the world.

What we are doing
Our goal is to identify and promote business solutions to the global digital divide—sustainable models that will allow ICT-for-development to "go global," creating social and economic dividends in poor communities around the world. Activities in support of this goal include: ....

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 5:41 PM |
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