Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Monday, June 16, 2003  

The weekend was spent with the guests, who left on Saturday evening. I had an hectic short travel to a small town. We ended up being in train for 21 hours and in that place for just 10 hours.

The Kellogg waitlist is moving this time. On 13th June 2 of international applicants were accepted off the waitlist.. This might be the last largest wave. I am just waiting for the decision to get over soon. Worst case, I should know the status first week of July.

I had a chance on weekend to meet an friend of mine, who works in brand management and advertising. We talked at length about how a brand is created etc and how brand consulting is done. Such discussions always stimulate me. It was some of such discussions and an discussion with close friends, that led me to gradually realize that I am looking for an MBA.

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 6:34 PM |
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