Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003  

Ref : Better Kerry Talk

While, I agree that you should be yourself, but knowing what traits are important for a school helps to articulate better. Its like seeing the same event with a lens of teamwork or innovation.

For writing essays, when I sat down thinking about incidents, I found that I remembered only significant portions of events. I found that though I was reflective, not all pieces of my essays formed a cohesive story for others to read. At times, it was the gut and sub-concious thoughts that drove me through events. So when I sat down writing about such events I had to think deeper and figure out ways of articulating.

Yes, Essay consultants do have an (hidden) agenda, so we should take their advice with a pinch of salt. Overall I have found Sandy's advice nice. Besides on his thread he shares some good articles about whats with the Business School scene

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 3:18 PM |
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