Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Friday, February 20, 2004  

MIT campaign is going well

In the last one month, I have had a chance to meet/talk to few alums and students. One of the alumni who worked with me is ready and eager to write an recommendation for me. I believe, his recommendation would be valuable, since he worked with me for over an year.

On second thoughts, I have decided to be brief in my communication and write only when there are significant updates. Same is the case for recommendations. I wouldnt submit too many of those and would prefer from only those who know me well to have substantial comments. In any case, the adcoms know about all such recommendations may have been influenced heavily by candidate himself, hence they will not value them till they have something concrete to say.

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 9:10 PM |
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