Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Thursday, March 18, 2004  

Back in Action -- MIT Sloan interview
I just returned back from Mumbai after my MIT interview and the first thing I am doing is writing my blog :) . I was away for long.

Well, I landed in Mumbai on 16th evening ( from Bangalore). It was hard for me to get some sleep, since my mind was very active. Based on advice from lot of you, I had two strong coffee's in the morning to make myself fully awake for my noon interview. When I had first scheduled the interviews, they had told me the first slot for the day is at noon, but well, later on, I guess they added more people to be interviewed, so the interviews started at 10:00 AM. My interviewer had come from Bangkok the previous night . Good for the interviewer that the time difference in Bankok and Mumbai is 1.5 hours, so no jet lag.

In all, they interviewed 9 people in Mumbai. In the evening they had an alumni reception.


My interview lasted 25 minutes. There were few questions like :
- Why MBA, Why Sloan
- Show an example when you displayed creativity
- Show an example of difficult interaction
- What do you feel proud of yourself .

On the positive side:
- I spoke with lot of emotions and was myself . I was confident answering few of the questions, and had solid examples.
I was able to show my interest for Sloan.

On the negative side:
- I think I rambled a lot, went on digressions ( well thats me :).
- I dont think I had a great answer for creativity question.
- I didnt get any hint as to how the interview went. Besides, mine lasted 5 minutes less that what some other people went through.

I couldnt figure out how the interviewer felt about me. If I had to rate my interview on a scale of 10, it would be 7/10.

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 12:47 AM |
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