Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Saturday, March 20, 2004  

Plans for coming weeks

- Start working in getting Finances in places for the Visa. I may manage good amount from a very close friend in US, so that should be fine.

- Work on getting FinAid from Duke. See if I can atleast get something. :)

- Ofcourse wait for results from Kellogg and Sloan. These should be in in next 2-3 weeks. Anxious weeks, but not so much as earlier .:) Lot of buying and personal decisions are now made, as I am sure of doing an MBA now.

- Write on my re-applicant thoughts in MBA Advice. Also write by thoughts for Indian IT or any extremely competitive category.

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 5:25 PM |
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