Harry Potter's MBA Musings
A blog to share my MBA experience from application days to graduation.

Monday, March 21, 2005  

Term 4 begins tommorow

So the spring break is over, it just disappeared in no time. I have a really full term 4. I am doing a overload, and so am doing four courses - Corporate Finance , Economics of Health Care, Strategy and Forecasting. Beside this, we need to wind up our Small Business Consulting (SBC)Practicum. As always, we still need to do quite a bit to finish the SBC practicum.

With three classes on Monday (Thursday), I need a lot of caffiene to keep me active for the 6.45 hours of teaching. At the same time, I am happy with my load, cause the more busy I get the more efficient I am.

Term 4 is also the time when we FY's start transitioning into SY. It feels very different to be called a SY. I have also been involved in few leadership positions, and this is the time for preparing budgets, and planning for next year for our club.

posted by Ravi Trivedi | 9:20 AM |
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